If you need an invoice and want to pay by bank transfer, please use the form to register on our website.
After registration, please make the payment for the selected access pack to the following bank account:
Asociatia Profesionistilor din Somnologie, IBAN: RO66BREL0002004035200100,  Libra Bank.
After we receive your payment, we will send you the invoice by email.

Contact: Mirela Dumitru,  phone: 0774450383, email: mirela.dumitru@somnolog.ro

For online registration and payment by card on the UBB platform please


We put great efforts in making sure that the personal data we process is safe and used properly, and that our data practices are properly communicated to our partners and participants.

Participant data concerning our website event participants who register for our event

Specifically, this Privacy Policy describes our practices regarding:

Please read this Privacy Policy carefully and make sure that you fully understand and agree to it.

You are not legally required to provide us with any personal data, and may do so (or avoid doing so) at your own free will. If you do not wish to provide us with your personal data, please avoid any interaction with us or any use of our Services.

Data Collection. We process data regarding our Participants. Such data is typically collected and generated through automatic means, directly from you, through your interaction with us or

Participant registration data: Participant account information: registration number, e-mail address, full name, telephone, CUIM, title  are all requirements for registration.

Other information: If you are a speaker or a lecturer then please note that additional information may be processed such as the content of your lecture. You may also be recorded during the event in which you participate.

Partner’s Data: Partner organization information: company name and affiliation, physical address and payment method. To the extent that any of the foregoing solely relates to a non-human entity, we will not regard it as personal data, and this Privacy Policy will not apply to it.

 Additional Data collected across Participants and Partners

  • Usage information:  When presenting at our event, your physical presence also be recorded and the personal data contained therein may be processed.
  • Payment information: this information is relevant for the payment we collect in the provision of our Services. It may consist of credit card or bank account number, IBAN, SWIFT code and payment preferences. Supplemental documentation may be required according to the Service provided. To the extent that any of the foregoing solely relates to a non-human entity, we will not regard it as personal data, and this Privacy Policy will not apply to it.
  • Congress recordings and photographs: the congress will be photograph and video recording.. These recordings may also be available on our certain internet sites after the end of the congress.

In addition, video and sound recording and still photography carried out during congresses, including but not limited to crowd shots, group videos and photographs, and video and still photography may include attendees, speakers, and sponsors’ images.

Data Retention. We retain your personal data for as long as it is reasonably necessary to provide our Services; to maintain and expand our relationship and provide you with our Services and offerings; to comply with our legal and contractual obligations; or to protect ourselves from any potential disputes (e.g., as required by laws applicable to log-keeping, records and bookkeeping, and in order to have proof and evidence concerning our relationship, should any legal issues arise following your discontinuance of use), all in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

Please note that except as required by applicable law or our specific agreements with you, we will not be obligated to retain your personal data for any particular period, and we are free to securely delete it or restrict access to it for any reason and at any time, with or without notice to you. If you have any questions about our data retention policy.

Data Sharing Legal Compliance: in exceptional circumstances, we may disclose or allow government and law enforcement officials access to your personal data, in response to a subpoena, search warrant or court order (or similar requirement), or in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, with or without notice to you.

Service Providers: we may engage selected third-party companies and individuals to perform services complementary to our own. Such Service Providers include hosting and server co-location services, communications and content delivery networks (CDNs), internet service providers, operating systems and platform, data analytics services, marketing and advertising services, data and cyber security services, fraud detection and prevention services, hotel and venue providers and on-site contractors, billing and payment processing services, web analytics, e-mail and SMS distribution and monitoring services, session or activity recording services, remote access services, performance measurement, data optimization services, social and advertising networks, content providers, support and customer relation management systems, and our business, legal, financial and compliance advisors (collectively, “Service Providers“). These Service Providers may have access to your personal data, depending on each of their specific roles and purposes in facilitating, supporting and enhancing our Services, and may only use it for such purposes.

Sharing Data with other Participants: registration and participation in our Events is only allowed for identified Participants (i.e., no anonymous participation is allowed). By participating in any of these Events you are required to identify yourself to us and to the other Participants,

Communications. We engage in service and promotional communications, through e-mail, phone, SMS and notifications. Service Communications: we may contact you with important information regarding our Services. For example, we may send you notifications (through any of the means available to us) of changes or updates to our Services, billing issues, payment issues, login attempts or password reset instructions, etc.

Data Subject Rights. Individuals have rights concerning their personal data any applicable law, including the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR


Donec vel gravida neque. Fusce leo nisi, sagittis ac nulla vitae, eleifend dapibus purus. Nulla pellentesque rutrum sapien quis elementum. Morbi eget commodo neque, condimentum dignissim diam. Mauris tempus est id magna elementum, at bibendum elit semper. Quisque malesuada, dolor id vehicula aliquam, odio arcu tincidunt urna, vitae tincidunt mi diam id mauris. Quisque vulputate elit vel quam malesuada, et volutpat odio viverra. Duis ultrices finibus finibus. Nulla metus metus, lacinia vel scelerisque eu, elementum et velit. Sed efficitur nulla eu rhoncus aliquet. Curabitur ornare nisl felis, et cursus nibh ornare cursus. Curabitur vehicula turpis sit amet viverra suscipit.

Curabitur mollis eleifend orci ut egestas. Etiam in sem et lacus varius semper. Pellentesque nisl elit, vehicula ac varius quis, molestie id sem. Quisque egestas nisi sed ex efficitur, tristique sodales odio cursus. Fusce ut justo orci. Integer id lectus vitae mauris sodales dapibus. In purus ligula, volutpat ut condimentum non, malesuada nec nisl. Duis scelerisque enim tortor, quis auctor nisl euismod non. Etiam facilisis sem at massa tincidunt, quis finibus diam rhoncus. Phasellus ullamcorper convallis placerat. In scelerisque viverra dui eget sollicitudin. Suspendisse dolor elit, tempus eget sagittis non, interdum id erat. Cras eleifend lacinia dui quis dignissim. Etiam a pulvinar purus. Sed et nisi non justo luctus porttitor. Sed id pretium ipsum.

Suspendisse fermentum diam at neque hendrerit elementum. Sed placerat tortor at cursus rutrum. Fusce non efficitur quam, sed ornare tortor. Pellentesque aliquet mauris magna, et suscipit quam porttitor id. Quisque ullamcorper vitae risus quis mollis. Aenean ac odio dapibus mauris maximus pharetra at sed turpis. Mauris mi tellus, suscipit id dictum sit amet, aliquet nec metus. Maecenas dolor nisl, rutrum eget justo vitae, molestie bibendum nulla. Quisque et nunc eros. Aenean nisi nisi, malesuada pellentesque sapien sit amet, commodo accumsan lorem. Phasellus faucibus feugiat consequat. Suspendisse ut elementum massa.

Sed dignissim pulvinar felis pretium consequat. Proin non pellentesque sem. Nunc non euismod urna. Nulla elit mauris, tempor et purus pretium, congue elementum sem. Quisque tristique sagittis risus ac malesuada. Pellentesque quis turpis ac justo vulputate pulvinar. Praesent ut risus at nulla ultrices mattis. In vitae elit scelerisque, interdum turpis at, consectetur ligula. Curabitur eget nisl et sapien semper condimentum. Fusce dui ante, eleifend sed ligula non, porttitor aliquet velit. Curabitur in pulvinar dolor, ac euismod justo. Aliquam at sem vestibulum, scelerisque felis sed, imperdiet felis. Aenean egestas metus urna, et accumsan leo ullamcorper venenatis. Donec rhoncus, sem non dignissim vestibulum, metus dui ultricies est, vitae volutpat justo ex in mauris. Nullam quis felis at dolor pretium tincidunt in in turpis.